Rising Ethiopian Tech Company
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Addis Abeba
Fanaye TechnologiesFanaye TechnologiesFanaye Technologies


National Info mockup
NIBDET MOckup mobile 2

PROJECT TYPE: Business Directory Web Application And and Mobile Application
Development(National info business directory)
DELIVERY DATE: 02/02/2016 E.C
CLIENT: Activate Trading PLC.

This project was the development of a business directory named National Info Business Directory for activate trading plc. this business directory contains various business with their valid contact. it also contains various categories and sub categories to make finding business easy. it has been build with Nuxt. a high level vue framework. this project also contain cross platform mobile application development.

  • Filtering and navigating through business
    • Google map integration
    • Contact information management
    • User friendly interface
    • Dark mode and light mode support
    • Fast and responsive
    • And much more

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