
Reach a wider audience

We can create online platforms to showcase a business's products or services, making them accessible to a wider audience.

Automate operations

Fanaye technologies can help you automate streamline bussiness opartoins and reducing the need for manual intervention.

Customer experience

fanaye technologies can create your online platforms which leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
About us

We empower your business through technology.

Fanaye Technologies is an emerging technology and branding company that is founded in 2014 E.C/ 2022 G.C. Our company is committed to offering unique solutions to satisfy the needs of our clients. Our skilled team of professionals is passionate about developing original, creative solutions that are specifically suited to meet the objectives of our clients.

Software Development

We are Providing the best services for your business.

Software Development

if you are looking for a way to optimize the efficiency of your business operations fanaye technologies is here for your.

Website Development

if you are looking for a way to showcase your products and services ,making them available to wider audience we are here for you.


Let us help you create a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart

increase efficiency with the aid of effective software solution.

We are here for you
Fanaye technologies provide creative solutions with cost effective packages for your business need.

Reach a wider audience.

We are here for you
Our expert team of website developers are here for at fanaye technologies. to meet your needs.

leave a positive impression.

We are here for you
We provide branding service by crafting an engaging message, establishing trust, and creating a strong emotional connection with customers.
1 +
Satisfied Clients
1 +
Expert Team
1 +
1 +
Awards Winning

We always work with a great team

At Fanaye Technologies, our team works collaboratively to ensure customer satisfaction by delivering high-quality solutions and providing excellent support.


We have many clients world wide!

Connect with clients from around the world and become part of our diverse global network. Experience the reach and impact of our services across continents.

1 +
Partners and growing

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We won’t spam you, we promise!


    We are very happy to get client’s review!

    You can request for call back, we will call!

    Simply request a callback and we’ll reach out to you promptly.

    Our Basic Pricing packages

    Contact info

    Requesting a Call:

    +251 925 3186 05

    Mail to us

    African Avenue, Addis Abeba


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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